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- Principal's Message
- Calendar
- 2025 Term Dates
- School Office Hours
- School Leaders 2025
- Parent Details and Student Medical
- Parent Apps
- Student Pick Up
- School Fee Accounts - Important Information
- School Uniform
- Commissioning Mass
- Safer Internet Day
- Children's University
- Little Miners Early Learning - SetUp for Success
Welcome back to the new school year. We hope that you all have come back reinvigorated and excited about the opportunities that the new year will undoubtedly bring.
Throughout the first week of school, staff engaged in a number of learning activities. These included spending the day with the group of sisters who began our school over 100 years ago. We spent the day exploring the why and how our school started. We spent time looking at what our role was in the school currently and how we wanted the school to be in the future.
Staff also spent time growing in the skills and knowledge needed for continuing to support learning in 2025. As part of the Catholic Education Mission to improve learning for all, staff were provided with knowledge and skills needed to ensure that learning is a focus for all and explored the role of staff in teaching and supporting behaviours that promote learning and spread kindness.
A project in the holidays was to bring some more elements of play into the playground. This was done through fostering and creating some more play areas in the playground. The new instalments include a life size chess board, a road safety course for bikes, hopscotch and an octopus for skip counting. A standup sandpit is also to be unveiled. The students have loved the new play spaces and have been learning about how to engage safely and respectfully with the equipment and with others.
As a school we welcome
Mrs Tammi Crosswell, our new deputy principal. Tammi has worked for a number of Catholic schools in Launceston, she comes to us with experience and is excited about starting this new chapter.
Patricia Walsh will be joining us as the prep teacher for 2025. Patricia has been teaching for many years in Victoria and has brought her young family with her. We look forward to welcoming Patricia and her family into our community.
Thea Hoyle has resigned from her position as a teacher assistant and will commence work as our school’s relief teacher from week 3. Thea will be supporting teachers and programs to ensure that we are able to continue to provide the specific and individual learning for all students.
With Kindness
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved! FOREVER
Term 1: 7th February - 10th April
Term 2: 29th April - 4th July (student free day Tues June 10th)
Term 3: 22nd July - 26th September
Term 4: 14th October - 17th December
Parent Details and Student Medical
Please contact the school office if any of the following details have changed.
- Student/parent address
- Contact phone number
- Emergency contacts
- Email address
- Student medical
Compass is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser or by using the 'Compass School Manager' app available for iOS and Android. To access our Parent Portal go to download the 'Compass School Manager' app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Using our Parent Portal you will be able to:
- Access your child's Student Progress and Semester Reports
- Book your Parent/Student/Teacher conferences
- View up-to-date class and school attendance information
- Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your child
- Download, print and approve upcoming excursions
- Update your registered email and mobile number (used for SMS alerts) details
- Access information regarding upcoming events and news
This platform is a primary source of feedback from teacher to parent on your child's learning. Communication between teacher and parents/carers is also enhanced through the messaging system. You as a parent/carer, are also able to comment on your child's posts.
Parents can use the QKR app to order canteen and uniforms. This may be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Please contact the school office if you require assistance in setting up these apps.
Please let the front office know if there is a change to how your child is getting home. We know that sometimes, due to a multitude of reasons families need to make last minute arrangements for their children’s pick up. The office is the only place where this change should occur. Teaching Staff are not to be contacted during the day through their own devices (messages, Seesaw). Office staff will ensure that messages are given to the teachers and students.
School Fee Accounts - Important Information
School fee invoices were emailed to parents last week. Please note our 30-day terms, meaning payment is due in full 30 days after issue, unless you have entered into an approved Payment Arrangement.
Please remember we have fee assistance and concession card discounts available to anyone in our school community who may need to make use of these. While it may be a difficult conversation, we are here to help and your situation will be treated with strict confidentiality and respect. Forms are available on our website, or contact us for a confidential discussion. Please contact us if you have any matters of concern with regards to your school fee account.
Students may continue to choose to wear the summer or winter uniform however, we will expect all students to wear the smart sports uniform from 2026.
Please note the uniform shop no longer stocks summer or winter uniforms.
• Black tracksuit pants (not tights) • Black shorts ( mid thigh ) • Maroon polo shirt • Soft Shell Jacket • Black/white socks- no brands • Black sports shoes • School hat ( Term 1 and 4) |
Tuesday 11th February is Safer Internet day. This is a global day of action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues and work towards a safer internet.
The eSafety Commissioner leads the day in Australia and we’re calling on all Australians to help make the internet a safer, and more positive place.
Why is Safer Internet Day important?
Whether you’re working, learning, playing or scrolling – the internet is a huge part of life. It opens a world of opportunities, but also comes with risks, especially for young people and other at-risk groups.
Let's look at the numbers that remind us why online safety is so important.
As a school our Year 3-6 students will be engaging in and esafety webinar to explore ways that they can keep themselves safe when online. As a parent it is very hard at times to ensure that we are able to keep ourselves knowledgeable enough in the evry expanding space of the internet. The esafety website has many fabulous resources to educate and support parents in this space. Please go to if this is an area that you would like support in.
If you are interested in finding out more about Children’s University please see Mrs McLeod. Any student who is a student of the University needs to collect a new permission form.