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Each month we will be learning and teaching about Catholic values. This month the value is love. Love is mentioned many times throughout the Bible.
God himself is love (1 John 4:8). Love for God is the greatest commandment. Love for others is the second commandment (Matt 22:34–40). This is why Love is the greatest Christian virtue.
In assembly this week we spoke about why we need to show love… and the simple answer is that God asks us to, Jesus showed us how to love and we are asked to love God and to love others.
We also looked at ways that we could show love to others:
- Being kind
- Helping others
- Smiling
- Asking others to join in play
- Sharing
Our students at St Joseph's show love to each other in many ways. Some children were awarded in our assembly for this.
5/6 - Cruz Becker
3/4 - Annie Cairns
1/2 - Siobhan Alexander
P - Stevie Woolett
Mason Crawford was given two awards including the principal award for showing love at school. He has been kind, thoughtful and has shown acts of empathy as well as sacrificing his time, showing love to others by helping the younger students at the bike track every lunch time. Thank you Mason.
Awards for learning
P- Nina Makino
1/2 - Evelynne Goodson
3/4 - Mayson Brumby
5/6 - Jack Triffett, Keely Austbo
Toys from homeWe ask that children do not bring in toys from home to school unless arranged with the teacher prior. These can provide unnecessary distraction and stress throughout the day. We have plenty of options for students to play.
School Imporvement
Insight SRC is conducting this survey on behalf of St Joseph's Catholic School and Catholic Education Tasmania. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents' perceptions of their children’s experience of school.
The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about the ways in which the school can use staff, student and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve your child's experience at school.
While your participation is voluntary, it is important to remember that the success of this important project is dependent on the involvement of all parents
From your participation in our survey from last year we are looking at ways to improve. These will include looking at better ways to include parents in student’s learning including how we share student achievement.
Anglicare counselling
Carl Ross has begun working with some students at St Joseph's. If you think that your child could benefit from having support please contact the office for a referral form.
With Kindness,
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved! FOREVER
Term 1: 7th February - 10th April
Term 2: 29th April - 4th July (student free day Tues June 10th)
Term 3: 22nd July - 26th September
Term 4: 14th October - 17th December
Myrtle enjoyed cooking pumpkin soup with Mrs Drake and Miss Myers on Friday, 21 February for our Outreach program. We also made some posters to show the recipients who made the soup and what ingredients we used.
To start the year in King Billy we have been learning about Order of Operations in Maths. We have enjoyed doing this because it is challenging and exciting to get the right answer. Last week we began our spelling, reading and writing programs. A highlight for our class so far has been starting each day with a different form of Prayer.
Tiagarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Museum Excursion
On Tuesday, the 19th of February, our First Nations students went on an excursion to Tiagarra, Devonport.
To start the day, we had a 2 and a half hour bus trip, and the weather was amazing. When we first got there, we had our fruit break and recess. We then went into the Museum and learned about what life was like for our First Nations People a long time ago. The women would go under water and fish with their hands, and after a while, they could hold their breath underwater for up to 7 minutes!! There were a lot of different caves that people would sleep in, and they were giant!
We went on a walk for 30 minutes and we tried different food from in the bush. Some people tried sugar ants, and said it was very sweet. Next we tried some sort of grass, bent it in half and drank the juice in it, it was very sour. We tried some sort of leaf, which was very salty. We also tried some sort of berry, and it tasted very bland.
At the conclusion of our walk, we went back to the main building at Tiagarra. We had a very special lunch that was provided for us. Thank you to Mrs Crosswell for driving.
By Keely.