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Each month we will be learning and teaching about Catholic values. This month the value is joy. Joy is mentioned many times throughout the Bible. God’s Word is overflowing with verses which show us the positive impact that being joyful has on our lives and the lives of those around us. There are many times in the Bible that speak about deep suffering, sickness, loneliness and as we prepare for Easter we know that Jesus made a great sacrifice for us to have eternal joy.
Happiness and joy are often addressed as the same thing, however, happiness and joy are vastly different. Happiness is a more fleeting emotion, often sparked by a particular moment or event. Joy, on the other hand, is a more long-lasting state of being, characterised by contentment and satisfaction with life overall.
In assembly this week we will speak about Joy. We will think about what joy looks like and the choices we have when things are hard. We get to choose joy. That is God’s gift to us that comes from the Spirit. We feel joy when we
- Rejoice
- Trust
- Encourage
- serve
How do we help young people find the joy in their lives?
- Explore what they are good at
- Doing acts of kindness
- Being grateful
At St Joseph's this year, we are committing to connect with the community and give our time by learning more about how to give to others. The act of volunteering ourselves and using our time for others is an act of kindness. This term our classes have been cooking for Vinnies and the community morning tea that will be held later in the month. We are hopeful that our students will experience joy in knowing that what we spend time doing is a valuable and appreciated act of kindness for our community.
This year we are endeavouring to cater for a range of activities for students in our break times. We are excited to provide/trial alternative activities to outside play for every lunch break. If your child finds the outside play difficult please talk with them and encourage them to try the alternate option.
Library open every day- craft, colour in, reading, board games
Monday- Library
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Chess/Board games
Thursday- Japanese (poster making)
Friday- Vinnies
Uniform reminders
Last year our board spent time updating some of our policies. This included the hair and jewelry policy and the uniform policy.
A few reminders
Sock colour- should be no brand black or white socks.
Hair expectations- Any person's (boy/girl) hair that touches their collar needs to be tied back . If this is required school colour ribbons, clips etc. should be used.
Short/Trackpants -need to be plain black. They should not be bike shorts or tights and be mid thigh in length. These items should not have brand names that are visible.
Shoes- should be mostly black
All of these items are available from our uniform shop.
Teachers have been asked to follow up with parents if they notice that a child is not in the correct uniform. We will also remind the children of our expectations. If families need support in this area please contact the office.
With Kindness
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved! FOREVER
Term 1: 7th February - 10th April
Term 2: 29th April - 4th July (student free day Tues June 10th)
Term 3: 22nd July - 26th September
Term 4: 14th October - 17th December
Shrove Tuesday
Last week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. Thank you to Miss Myers for making pancakes for us.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Celebration – ‘Time of abounding Grace’
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Queenstown
Ash Wednesday a significant day in the lives of all Christians which calls every believer to follow the way of God and the life of Grace. It is a time of celebration for the repentance, revival and renewal of our lives with God. As we read in Prophet Joel 2:12-13 “Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God.”
Significance of Ashes : Ashes are placed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, in one of the most counter-cultural acts of our faith. It is done for two reasons: a personal act of remembrance and as a sign or a witness for others. The ashes come from the burnt Palms from last year's Passion Sunday celebration, which begins Holy Week. So, these ashes bring us back to our last celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus for us. On this first day of Lent, we begin a journey of renewal - from death to life. This is a joyful season. We will make sacrifices, in order to try to let God reform our desiring, but this is a time for God to be generous to us in outpouring His Grace.
When the ashes are placed on our foreheads, the minister says one of two formulas to help us remember who we are and the mission to which we are sent:"Remember, man/woman, you are dust and to dust you will return." "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel." We are reminded that we are creatures and that our lives were given to us. But, we are also reminded that our lasting home is in eternity, with God. This is not our lasting home.
St.Joseph’s Catholic School at Queenstown celebrated the liturgy with the whole school students on 5th March 2025 at 2.00 pm with the staff to start the season of Lent. Fr.Arokia, the presiding minister began the Liturgy calling everyone to the life of grace by accepting our faults and seeking God’s mercy and compassion. Repentance is the need for a holy life and the acts of kindness like prayer, fasting and almsgiving lead us to God’s kingdom. After the homily, the ashes were applied on the foreheads of students and staff to mark the beginning of lent. The students cheerfulness was one of great signs of grace. The service ended at 2.30 pm with a final blessing and wishes of Happy Ash Wednesday and joyous Season of Lent.
Fr Arokia
Our Learn to Swim program is scheduled to run from Monday, 24th March to Friday 28th March. A Compass event will be sent out this week with more information.
The School Board AGM will be held on Wednesday 2nd April at 6:30pm in the school Library.
The school board convenes twice a term to discuss school initiatives including buildings, facilities, policy direction, staffing, finances, and educational programs. The School Board currently have positions vacant and are seeking expressions of interest from parents of St Joseph’s Catholic School for consideration for School Board membership. If you are interested in becoming a member of our School Board, please contact Teresa or Kerri on 6471 1139 for further details.